Thank you for your order. Please proceed with the payment process.
Bank Accounts
Click to open:
Account number: 8310700688
Wire transfer number: 026073008
Bank code (SWIFT / BIC): CMFGUS33
Routing number (ACH or ABA): 026073150
Address: TransferWise
19 W 24th Street
New York
United States
IBAN: BE24 9671 0881 2138
Address: TransferWise Europe SA
Avenue Marnix 13-17
Account number: 60783288
IBAN (to receive GBP from UK only): GB39 TRWI 2314 7060 7832 88
UK sort code: 23-14-70
Address: TransferWise
56 Shoreditch High Street
E1 6JJ
United Kingdom
Begünstigte: Rita Agnes Laszlone Csiszar
Kontonummer: 0313.3846.2120.001.02
IBAN Nummer: CH25 0851 5031 3384 6200 3
Zahlungsgrund: Multilingual Kids
Bank: Julius Baer & Co. AG, Bahnhofstrasse 36, CH-8010 Zürich
SWIFT: AERCHZZ Bank Clearing (BC): 8515
IBAN: HU71-1030-0002-1058-8826-4901-0022
Account holder: Lászlóné dr. Csiszár Rita Ágnes
Please be guided accordingly
Step 1: Click on your favourite currency and the appropriate bank account will appear. Please transfer the price of the product to that account. To help us identify your order, please remember to put your name on the bank details in case you send the money from someone else’s account. (Your family member might have a different name and this could lead to confusion.)
Step 2: Shortly after we have received your payment, you will be sent the link to download your product. At the same time, you will also receive the bill of your payment.
Step 3: If you have not heard from us for several days, please make sure to check your spam folder before contacting us. Thank you for your cooperation.